Monday, November 22, 2010

Mission To Venice by Manning Lee Stokes

The US has lost an H-bomb over the Adriatic. This bomb was a lure for a game of global blackmail with the lives of thousands as well as the United States prestige. Everything is riding on Nick's mission to Venice, he has no help but a notorious courtesan. Vanni Manfrinto, the head of Yugoslavian Intelligence, is a hunted man. But a lady of beauty and morals of Princess de Verizone could be allowed satisfy the insatiable lust of Vanni. There was more to lust for Manfrinto, as Nick would discover in one encounter to another. Nothing in Nick's training could he be prepared for the brutal carnage he was forced to inflict in order to prevent the bomb from falling into the wrong hands. Mission To Venice is the 21st Killmaster novel and is Stokes' seventh Nick Carter adventure.

2nd Award Printing                                          Tandem Printing
 Printing History
1st Award (A228X) 1967
2nd Award (A632X) 1970
1st Tandem (4260 2671 3) 1970

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